Today was very nice for the last day of November. It hit the 60's. I bought the full program on my running app so I gave a new interval set a try. It wore me out. Then I did stalls at the farm. Good workout today!!
Today was my first run in memory of a female. Flight Nurse Sandra Pearson was killed when her team's Bell 206 LongRanger helicopter crashed in a cornfield located outside Burney, IN. The accident occured at 1:17 p.m.
Flight Paramedic Wade Weston and Pilot Roger Warren were also killed in the accident.
The 3 participated in a community day sponsored by the Burney Volunteer Fire Department where their chopper was on display and were returning to their base in Rushville when the accident occured.
She was in service, saving lives, for 10 years when she & her teams lost theirs. She is survived by her 2 children & her parents. God bless those they left behind.