Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fighting burnout. A few miles for ME.

I've been fighting burnout lately. I've let so much get to me & get in my mind. Issues & people involved with our local running community have gotten under my skin. I've almost forgotten why I started in the first place. It's been very discouraging. 

When I first started running there were, what seemed like, just a handful of us. We joked about the "closet runners" in the area. We even created a running group to pull us together. Over the years we've developed more. Now there's a running BOOM! There are runners everywhere!! It's a great thing. However, with more people come different opinions & different opinions lead to friction. There's been friction on so many levels & I'm beyond exhausted. 

I believe we should encourage each other. Not put someone down because they don't run like you or as fast as you feel they should or if they don't have the "ideal" runner's body. Build each other up & promote the sport. Above all, remember these races are for charity, not glory. 

Through it all, I've learned that not everyone has the same heart & values as me. Because of this I decided to run for ME a couple times. I did 2.25 miles on 10-22-14 & 2 miles on 10-23-14 & it felt great. At times I guess we all just need to step away & refocus. 

I will make my comeback. I will be better than ever. I just need to remember why I started & stay focused on MY goals. 

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